Daily Requirements of Vitamins for Postmenopausal Women
What the Body Loses During Menopause
A woman's body goes through a lot of changes over the years. One change that women experience is menopause. Along with the cessation of menstruation, estrogen is no longer being produced in a woman's body after menopause. Estrogen is needed to help keep the bones strong; it prevents them from growing brittle and eventually developing osteoporosis. Because the body loses estrogen at menopause, it becomes extra important for women to increase their intake of certain vitamins.
The Importance of Calcium
Calcium is very important for a woman's body. Calcium helps build strong bones. It is important for women to get plenty of calcium, starting before menopause and continuing after, to help keep the bones from growing weak and brittle. Calcium is best found in foods such as milk and other dairy products. But supplements should be taken if you don't get enough calcium in your regular diet. Women should get 1,500 mg of calcium daily.
Vitamin D Is Important in Postmeonpausal Women
Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D is found in some dairy products, such as milk. Vitamin D is also made in the body when the skin is exposed to sunshine. Women should get a little sun every day to increase their vitamin D. Without Vitamin D, calcium does not get absorbed into the body properly. Most women who are found to be deficient in vitamin D are usually also found to be deficient in calcium as well. Doctors recommend that women get at least 400 IU of vitamin D every day, and some doctors recommend even more.
Folic Acid Is Not Only for Pregnant Women
Folic acid has for years been recognized as a nutrient that is very beneficial for pregnant women. It helps with the development of the fetus. But in recent studies, it has also been found to be extremely beneficial for postmenopausal women. Folic acid is needed by the body to reduce homocysteine levels. High levels of homocysteine can lead to heart problems.
Getting Plenty of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids have long been known to play a vital role in protecting the heart. Over-the-counter omega-3 supplements, taken as directed, should help keep harmful fatty acids from building up in the arteries, which can lead to heart attacks.