What Are Papaya Enzymes Used for?
Eyesight Protection
Papaya enzymes have been shown to assist in keeping your eyesight. WHFoods reports: "Data reported in a study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology indicates that eating 3 or more servings of fruit per day may lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the primary cause of vision loss in older adults, by 36%, compared to persons who consume less than 1.5 servings of fruit daily." Vitamins A, C, E are all promoters of healthy eyesight, and they all exist in the enzymes of the papaya.
Immune System
The high concentration of Vitamin A and C make papaya extract great for boosting the immune system. Papayas are like carrots in that they are loaded with Vitamin A, but they are also loaded with Vitamin C, making them an all-around great immune system booster. Instead of eating carrots to get vitamin A and oranges to get vitamin C, you can use papaya enzymes in one fell swoop.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Some papaya enzymes help lower inflamation and heal burns. These enzymes are called papain and chymopapain. Many of the vitamins in papayas, including vitamins C and E and beta-carotene, also help reduce inflammation. Papaya enzymes can be used to decrease inflammation caused by asthma and osteoarthritis. Though not a miracle cure, they have been shown to help sufferers of these painful diseases.
Protection against Rheumatoid Arthritis
One study presented in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, which was drawn from 20,000 subjects, found that vitamin C could help greatly with the inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Though papaya enzymes help with inflammation in general, it is worth noting that they help strongly with rheumatoid arthritis, as this terrible disease afflicts so many people.
Avoiding Emphysema
Richard Baybutt, an associate professor of nutrition at Kansas State university, has discovered that smoking could lead to a deficiency of vitamin A. He found that animals fed a vitamin A-deficient diet tended to develop emphysema. Even more surprising, he found that smokers with a diet high in vitamin A were much less likely to develop emphysema. If someone you know is a smoker, encourage him or her to take papaya enzymes.