The Benefits of Organic Noni Juice
Chemical Properties
Noni (morinda citifolia) is an unusual shape, resembling a white pineapple, and its chemical properties are much like a mulberry's. The fruit is most famous for having alkaloids, which enhance the activity in enzymes and support protein structures. In addition, the fruit's polysaccharides are said to promote anti-tumor, anti-cancer and antibacterial compounds. Another of its compounds, scopoletin, is reportedly beneficial to relieving depression, lowering blood pressure and promoting relaxation.
Regardless of the arguments surrounding its other benefits, noni is a good source of Vitamin C.
Noni juice is said to have natural properties that can help cure such illnesses such as arthritis, insomnia, fatigue, binge eating, diabetes and infections. Numerous people have claimed it has benefited them during cancer treatment, and these claims have caused some controversy. The fruit also has been touted as a libido enhancer, mood stabilizer and appetite suppressant. Though the list of possible benefits continues to grow, there still a lack of scientific evidence to confirm the juice's medicinal effects.
Traditionally, every part of the plant has been used for health purposes and cooking, as well as for making rope and dying cloth. The leaves were used to prepare foods, make tea, relieve mouth sores and heal wounds. The stems were used for making rope, weapons and canoe parts, and the seeds were said to keep insects away. The entire plant, including the roots, was taken as a laxative.
The fruit is picked year-round; its intended use typically determines when it is harvested. Noni juice companies generally want the fruit at its hard, white stage, because the fruit ripens very quickly and is easier to produce juice. When the fruit becomes fully ripe, it is soft and bursting with juices. In Hawaii, they can grow in a wide array of habitats and can even be found within lava ash.
The early 1990s marked noni juice's presence in the world market. Predominantly grown in the Hawaiian Islands and Tahitian Islands, it has been reported that a bottle of noni juice is sold every minute. If that's indeed the case, millions of bottles are sold in both the United States and United Kingdom each year.
When deciding on a brand of noni juice, many people choose a company that's devoted to organic products because of their minimal use of pesticides.