What Vitamins Help the Liver?
Vitamin C
Lemon Juice Vitamin C helps to improve liver function because vitamin C has certain regenerative qualities that stimulate the liver and promote healing. Homemade lemon juice without any added sweeteners contains high levels of Vitamin C, which helps to flush the liver and gallbladder of toxins and gallstones. Vitamin C is used to repair damage to any organ or tissue within the body. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. To help improve liver function, consume foods and citrus fruits that contain vitamin C or take a supplement with 500 mg or more of Vitamin C daily.
Vitamin A
Anatomy Statue Vitamin A in the form of beta carotene can help detoxify a sluggish liver. Vitamin A helps to promote healthy skin and organ function. However, Retinol is another form of vitamin A that can be toxic to the liver in large doses, so be sure to take the correct type of Vitamin A if you plan on taking a supplement. Otherwise you can get Vitamin A from foods like carrots, beets, eggs and fish.
Vitamin E
Avocado We know that Vitamin A is important for healthy liver function, but Vitamin E also helps improve liver function by protecting Vitamin A. When the two Vitamins are combined, you get a potent liver tonic. Both vitamins work together to strengthen and rejuvenate a tired liver. Vitamin E can be found in many foods such as sunflower seeds, avocados, walnuts, almonds and green vegetables.
Almonds, pine nuts and pistachios B-vitamins such as B12, B5, B6 and folic acid help to improve liver health by promoting liver decongestion. These vitamins make it much easier for the liver to do its job effectively because they assist the liver by breaking down fats. In order to make a significant difference, a person needs to eat a lot of foods that contain B-vitamins or take a supplement that contains 50 mg or more of each essential B-vitamin. B-vitamins are found in almonds, pine nuts, sesame seeds, brewer's yeast and brown rice.
Vitamin D
Fish oil capsules Vitamin D helps to maintain a healthy liver by reducing inflammation in the body. The liver is very susceptible to inflammation from other problems within the body or gallstones. Vitamin D taken with Omega 3 fatty acids can be a powerful liver healer. Omega 3 fats are found in fish oil, nuts and eggs. A healthy liver is also able to make and utilize Vitamin D on its own. Vitamin D can be found in milk, eggs, fish and bread, just name a few.