About Liquid Vitamins
Mineral Absorption
Although liquids are typically absorbed more expediently than solids, this does not necessarily mean that liquid vitamins deliver higher absorption. The problem is that liquid vitamins have less mineral content than vitamins in pill form, so while the liquid has higher and faster absorption, it is not necessarily more beneficial. However, vitamins such as B12 and folic acid that are naturally delivered in small doses may be better ingested in liquid form.
Easy Delivery
For those who have difficulty swallowing pills, such as toddlers and the elderly, liquid vitamins provide an effortless alternative. Of course, if a toddler has little coordination, liquid vitamins could get messy. The best way to handle a potential disaster is to spoon feed the vitamin to the toddler. A little mess is a small price to pay to prevent a choking hazard.
Intestinal Ease
Some people do not have any problem swallowing pills, but may not be able to digest the pill once it is inside the intestine. This is a common condition in people who suffer from diverticulitis, where the sharp edges of the pill can cause serious inflammation and even bleeding. Liquid vitamins are less aggressive to people with such conditions.
No Water Needed
As water is not needed to swallow liquid vitamins, they can be taken anywhere. This provides immeasurable convenience to individuals who may not be able to get themselves a glass of water, including the elderly and small children. It must be taken into consideration, however, that liquid vitamins often have high sugar content, which is added by manufacturers to mask the taste.
Lugging around a glass bottle of 150 vitamins can be aggravating and noisy. Liquid vitamins, especially if they are insulated within a slim plastic bottle, are easily transportable. New methods of liquid vitamin delivery are being developed. One is the spray version, which comes with pump action and is absorbed directly through contact with the tongue or with any part of the inner mouth.