What Is the Role of Vitamins?
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Many vitamins provide anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce and soothe a number of ailments. Common colds and flu start from the respiratory system being inflamed, which can be halted from vitamin intake. Arthritis symptoms and asthma attacks are also results of inflammation in the body.
Immune System Boosters
Several vitamins help to boost the immune system by seeking out free radicals and toxins throughout the body, They work to neutralize them before they can latch on to healthy cells and tissue and cause sickness and disease. They also help to bolster defense against allergies and other daily threats.
Vitamins help to slow or reverse the oxidation of cells and tissue. Oxidation is the aging process by which skin and other tissue lose elasticity, become dry and are less likely to be able to regenerate and renew themselves. The vitamins help to keep the body younger by inhibiting the aging process.
Prevent Heart Disease
A few key vitamins work to lower blood pressure and aid the cardiovascular system. The blood is then is able to flow easier throughout the body as it carries essential nutrients, all without making the heart pump harder through restricted walls. By relaxing the walls, the heart is protected from such ills as attacks, heart disease and stroke.
Balance Cholesterol Levels
Some vitamins help balance the levels of cholesterol in the blood. By lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol, the onset of coronary and other diseases is lessened. By the same token, by raising levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, the body is able to use the necessary cholesterol in its daily functions.
Digestive Health
Vitamins can work to cure all manners of digestive and stomach woes. Nausea and upset stomach can be soothed by lowering the production of acid in the stomach. Vitamins can also help in the breaking down of food to obtain the required nutrients the body needs. It can then help to flush out the remaining waste through the excretory system.
Mental Health and Stress
Certain vitamins contain enzymes very similar to those in the brain that control normal function and provide stability and cognitive processes. They work to stabilize these parts of the brain to ensure clear, precise thinking when faced with stressful situations inside and outside of the body. This lowering of stress levels has a positive effect on every other part of the body.