Vitamins for Fingernail Growth
Vitamin A
Vitamin A, or retinol, is known for its abilities to help with vision, but it also creates healthy and strong nails. Vitamin A helps with growth of nails by supporting mucus linings and membranes of the body. This helps oxygenate the body, and the skin to prevent infections, which promote healthy nails and nail growth. The daily recommended allowance for Vitamin A is 600 mcg, and it can be found naturally in carrots, mangos and apricots.
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, assists with growth of the body. It helps promote healthy skin and nails. Vitamin B2 is great for helping one feel youthful and keeping the hair, skin and nails healthy, according to Michael Gazsi, N.D., a naturopathic doctor in Ridgefield, Connecticut. It is recommended to have 1.2 to 1.5 mg a day of vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 can be found in beets, beet greens and raisins.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, helps the production of collagen, which helps cement cells together. Collagen helps skin stay firm and promotes healthy nail growth. The daily recommended allowance of vitamin C is 40 mg and can be found in raw red peppers, Brussels sprouts and kiwi fruit.
Calcium is essential to the body and is the one mineral the body couldn't live without. Calcium maintains strong healthy nails. Without it the nails get brittle and dry. It is recommended to have 1,200 mg of calcium daily. Milk products and green vegetable have large amounts of calcium.
Zinc is part of most of the body's tissue, muscle, bones and teeth. Zinc helps the healing process of the body and nail growth. Most enzymes in the body rely on zinc for proper function. It is recommended to have 12 to 15 mg of zinc daily and it can be found in foods such as cereals, nuts and oils. Dr. Gazsi suggests taking over the recommended amount, and that 30 to 50 mg will assist with healthy nails.
Dr. Leon Hecht, a naturopathic doctor with the North Coast Family Health in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, feels that when the body isn't processing protein well, it can effect the nails. Nails are mostly made of protein. Making sure the body is getting enough protein will help promote healthy nail growth. It is recommended that adults have 50 grams of protein each day. Protein is found in meat, dairy and soy products.