What Kind of Vitamins Should Be Taken Daily?
Beta Carotene
Beta carotene helps with proper cell and tissue growth, working to prevent the onset of cancer and disease. It is essential to help in the body's defense of free radicals and toxins that work against proper body function and attach themselves to healthy cells and cause a number of ailments.
B Complex
Vitamin B complexes help to reduce stress and regulate the central nervous system. They also protect the skin against harmful UV damage from the sun, especially in those with fair complexions. The Vitamin B family helps to keep the skin youthful and free of physical abnormalities, like discolorations and spots from excessive sun exposure.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that seeks out free radicals and toxins in the body and neutralizes them. It helps to strengthen the immune system so it may defend against harmful carcinogens that cause sickness and disease. It also helps maintain the vascular system and can work for relief of the symptoms of PMS.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is often taken for common cold and flu symptoms and is valued for its antioxidant effects and ability to subdue toxins. It also works to heal damaged tissues and strengthen the walls of the blood vessels. Vitamin C helps to maintain the integrity of the vascular and circulatory systems.
Selenium is another vitamin with antioxidant properties that search out free radicals and toxins in the body. It helps to prevent the onset of cancer when working in conjunction with Vitamin E to bolster the body's natural defenses.
Zinc works to hasten the healing of wounds and can be helpful in the treatment of acne. It also aids in the relief of digestive ailments, such as ulcers and inflammations. The inflamed areas are eased; the symptoms, reduced.
Calcium and Vitamin D
Calcium has been known for its building of strong bones and teeth for years. Often found in Vitamin D, it works to prevent degenerative disease, such as osteoporosis and bone loss, which are both difficult to reverse. It also helps to strengthen tooth enamel and promotes healthy skin.