Facts About Thermogenics
The substances in thermogenic supplements vary. There are blends for women, for men, for bodybuilders, for people trying to lose a significant amount of weight or for people trying to lose those "last stubborn pounds." Most supplements have some ingredients in common, although the amounts of those ingredients vary.
Common Ingredients
Almost every thermogenic compound contains caffeine in some form, sometimes in multiple forms. A popular form is caffeine anhydrous, which has been shown in multiple studies to increase caloric expenditure during exercise. Green tea, often with caffeine, is in many thermogenic supplements because of its ability to boost metabolism. Consuming six to eight cups of green tea each day burns about 80 calories. Other thermogenic ingredients are chitosan, pepper, cinnamon, capsaicin and bitter orange. Any hot, spicy substance that boosts your body temperature also tends to boost your metabolism.
The side effects of thermogenic substances generally increase in severity with the amount consumed. Common side effects are jitteriness, nervousness, twitchiness and a feeling similar to hyperactivity. More troubling side effects are upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, insomnia, manic mood swings (sometimes touted by companies selling the supplements as a "sense of euphoria") and irritability. Serious side effects include kidney dysfunction, adrenal gland stress/dysfunction, stroke, heart attack and high blood pressure.
Thermogenic substances tend to increase weight and fat loss, especially when you first take them. They are significantly more effective when used with diet and exercise.
Taking thermogenic supplements will lead to some weight loss initially, even without other lifestyle changes, but the effects will plateau or regress without a change in diet or exercise. Thermogenic substances are meant to boost the return on your investment in exercise and diet, not to be a magic weight loss supplement. Some people increase the dosage to try to get better results, which can cause more severe side effects and possible dependency on the product.
Thermogenic substances are meant for short-term use. They can be cycled on and off so the body can recuperate from the strains that the supplements can put on the adrenal system. Proper hydration is necessary when taking thermogenic substances because an elevated body temperature can lead to dehydration.