How to Take Prenatal Vitamins While Not Being Pregnant
Take prenatal vitamins as directed for pregnancy if you are trying to conceive, postpartum or breastfeeding. Many brands recommend taking one vitamin per day, and other brands recommend taking up to six daily. Always follow the directions carefully.
Consider taking a regular multivitamin instead of a prenatal vitamin if you are not trying to conceive, pregnant, postpartum, or breastfeeding. While it is not dangerous to take prenatal vitamins when not pregnant, it's not necessary, either.
Take the vitamins as directed if you choose to take them when not pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or after having been pregnant. Read the directions on the bottle. It is often helpful to take the vitamins before bed or after a meal to avoid nausea.
Stop taking prenatal vitamins if you are not pregnant and are experiencing side effects. Common side effects include constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Call your doctor if the side effects continue after you stop taking the prenatal vitamins.
Eat a healthy diet, including fruits, vegetables, proteins and whole grains while taking prenatal vitamins. Vitamins are not a substitute for good nutrition, so it is important to maintain a healthy diet whether or not you are pregnant.