What Is Vitamin D2?
In the 1920s, vitamin D2 was discovered through exposing invertebrates, such as fungi or plants, to ultraviolet. Pharmaceutical companies patented the process. Vitamin D2 is not made naturally in vertebrates, or animals with an internal skeletal system. Vitamin D2 is better than vitamin D3 at absorbing ultraviolet radiation.
Vitamin D2 is commonly found in dairy products, fish and eggs. Mushrooms contain small amounts of vitamin D2, and some foods may be fortified with vitamin D2, such as breads and cereals. Vitamin D2 helps ensures the absorption of calcium happens in the body producing healthy bones, teeth and to help fight high blood pressure. Vitamin D2 may also help in the fight against osteoporosis and autoimmune diseases.
Daily Allowance
The recommended dose for vitamin D is 5 micrograms daily. Most multivitamins have the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D included in them. One glass of milk usually contains about 2.5 micrograms of vitamin D. Fish liver oils, such as cod liver oil, have the highest amount of vitamin D. One tbsp. of cod liver oil contains almost 1,400 IU of vitamin D. Vitamin D2 is most commonly used in the creation of multivitamins that include vitamin D.
Pharmaceutical Uses
Viosterol was created in the 1920s as a synthetic vitamin D2 to use in the fight against rickets. Rickets is the softening and weakening of bones often seen in children due to vitamin D deficiency. Mostly seen during the early parts of the 20th century, rickets has had a recent comeback, although for other reasons than lack of sun and dairy products. Rickets today is often due to problems with the body's absorption of vitamin D, diseases of the liver and kidney, or conditions that alter calcium in the body.
Recent studies have suggested that vitamin D2 is not as efficient as vitamin D3 in biological value and its use in multivitamins should stop. Because vitamin D2 is manufactured, its stability and longevity is questionable. This can lead to issues with toxicity and loss of vitamin D concentration over time.