What Is Pyridoxine HCL?
The Facts
Pyridoxine is vitamin B6, a water-soluble nutrient. Pyridoxine hydrochloride (HCl) is the form of the vitamin most commonly found in nutritional supplements. As of 2002, the Adequate Intake (AI) of the vitamin is 1.3 mg for most adults. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and those older than 50 have a greater requirement for this vitamin.
Pyridoxine is necessary to the metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrates by the body. It is especially important to the health of the nerves, brain, skin and mucous membranes. In pregnancy, it is vital to the healthy development of the baby.
Pyridoxine HCl is used to benefit such varied conditions as depression, carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma and depression.Many common medications interfere with the absorption of B6 from foods, including birth control pills and isoniazid (used to treat tuberculosis). Overuse of alcohol also interferes with the absorption of B6. Pyridoxine HCl can be given to prevent deficiency in these patients.
Food Sources of B6
Good sources of B6 include whole grains, bananas, green vegetables, beef liver, potatoes, lima beans, soybeans, and salmon. It is thought that many food additives interfere with the absorption of B6 from food.
Pyridoxine HCl will interfere with the action of levodopa, a drug given to treat Parkinson's disease. Some people may be hypersensitive to pyridoxine HCl, and should limit their intake. As of 2002, the safe upper limit of pyridoxine is thought to be 100 mg per day. Since it is a water-soluble vitamin, excess amounts are excreted in the urine. Therefore there is little chance of day-to-day accumulation in the body leading to toxic overload.
Taking B vitamin supplements will turn your urine bright yellow. This is due to normal metabolism of the vitamin. B vitamin supplements should be taken with food. Taken on an empty stomach, they often cause queasiness.Most multivitamins contain all of the B vitamins, including pyridoxine.