Vitamin Guide
Vitamin C
The daily recommended dose of vitamin C is 90 mg. This amount generally isn't too hard to get because vitamin C is found in many of the foods we eat. Citrus fruits like oranges and pineapples are some of the best sources of the vitamins, but you can also get it from oysters, liver, broccoli and red pepper. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant, ridding the body of free radicals that can cause oxidative damage to our cells. It is also necessary for many metabolic functions. Do not take more than 2,000 mg per day, though, or you risk an overdose.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is also an essential vitamin for humans, who need 700 to 900 mcg per day. It can be found in a variety of foods, such as carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, spinach and pumpkins. Vitamin A plays an important role in vision. It helps protect rhodopsin in the eyes, which allows a person to see in black and white, and at night. It also reduces the risk of heart disease and helps promote healthy skin.
The B Vitamins
There are a number of different types of B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. They all play a role in cellular metabolism. You can get the necessary amounts of all eight B vitamins in supplement form, making it easy to keep up-to-date with your body's needs. Look for vitamin B complex supplements. The B vitamins increase and maintain metabolism, promote healthy muscles and skin, reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, and enhance both the immune and the nervous system.
Vitamin D
In order to get your daily dose of vitamin D, you need to consume at least 5 mcg per day. It is available in small amounts in the foods that contain it. The best sources of vitamin D are fish and dairy products. Vitamin D helps to regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood. It also promotes strong and healthy bones, and is particularly important in children as it promotes healthy bone growth. A vitamin D deficiency can lead to brittle bones and a disease in children known as rickets.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is another important vitamin that you should get at least 15 mg of every day. This may be a bit harder to do than with other vitamins because vitamin E is not found in as many food sources. Still, you can get your needed vitamin E by eating spinach, various nuts, asparagus or avocados. Milk is also a decent source of the vitamin. Vitamin E plays an important role in heart health by helping prevent heart disease. It also can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer by as much as 30 percent.