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Vitamin B17 Benefits

Vitamin B17 is also known by the names Laetrile and amygladin. vitamin B17 isn't really a vitamin at all. It's a compound of healthy substances that occurs in nature that are needed by the human body. In recent years, vitamin B17 has gotten a lot of attention concerning it's possible ability to destroy cancer cells.
  1. Facts

    • Vitamin B17 is found naturally in the pits of fruits like apples, cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, and oranges. The fruit seed with the highest concentration of amygladin is the apricot. Some beans and bitter almonds also contain vitamin B17. Although the compound was discovered as early as 1830 it was named by Ernst Krebs Jr. in 1970.


    • There are some benefits to taking vitamin B17. One benefit is the reduction of arthritis pain in patients who take the supplement. Taking vitamin B 17 can also regulate blood pressure. More controversially, Laetrile is used as an anti-cancer drug in some parts of the world like Mexico. The compound of vitamin B17 produces cyanide which destroys cancer cells. This treatment has not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States.


    • Eating foods that contain vitamin B17 is the best method of absorbing this healthy compound into you your body but you have options. Apricot seeds are an effective source for maintaining the compound. You can also take vitamin B17 caplets or tablets. There are topical creams and even additives you use with your morning coffee. Drinks and liquid supplements are available too that supply the body with vitamin B17.


    • The use of amygladin to fight cancer is an ongoing battle. Opponents of using vitamin B17 for these purposes site the potential for cyanide poisoning as the compound produces a cyanide substance. The toxicity of amygladin has been proven by the appearance of cyanide symptoms in people who ingested large amounts of the compound. People who take vitamin B17 should be careful not to take too much.


    • It's against the law for a doctor to prescribe Amygladin to a patient. However it is not illegal for a patient to buy the supplement on their own. And doctors can recommend Vitamin B17 as an herbal supplement. Synthetic Laetrile is available in the U.S. while natural Laetrile is still available in Mexico.

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