Taking Vitamins With Food Versus Without Food
The body needs a wide array of vitamins to function properly, to fight off illness, to prevent diseases, to regulate metabolism and for energy. When the body is lacking in vitamins, the lack will show up myriad ways. Hair, skin, nails, mood, thought, vision, weight, activity levels, breathing, sleep and teeth will all suffer at the hands of insufficient vitamins in the body. There is no question that vitamins are vital for a healthy and happy body and mind.-
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Fat-soluble vitamins, such as Vitamins A, D, E, and K, need some fat in the body to be absorbed properly. These vitamins should be taken at mealtime or with a snack (milk).
B Vitamins
Vitamin B is best absorbed by the body in an elevated acidic environment. B-complex vitamins can cause stomach pain, which is easily remedied by taking it at mealtime.
Zinc can also cause an upset stomach and should be taken with food to prevent stomach discomfort.
Calcium, necessary for strong bones and teeth, is best absorbed at night. Calcium may help you fall asleep, but the main reason for nocturnal ingestion is that it has an enhanced effect on building bone mass and strength while you sleep. Calcium can be taken with or without food.
The best way to take vitamins is to space dosages out throughout the day. This will help maintain the proper levels of intake. Of special note, mineral absorption can be arrested by fiber supplements.
Always read the labels on vitamin bottles. Labels may offer advice on how to prevent toxicity, when and how much to take, if refrigeration is necessary, storage requirements and expiration dates.