What Are B12 Shots Used For?
Vitamin B-12 is a water soluble vitamin that is naturally found in many foods you eat. Its benefits are found mainly in dairy products and red meat, which poses an interesting problem for vegetarians. Vegetarians, vegans and the elderly are more likely to suffer from B-12 deficiency. Vitamin B-12 is critical to proper nervous system and brain function. But those who don't get enough in food or who have a medical condition that prevents them from absorbing the vitamin can get B-12 shots as a supplement.-
Benefits of B-12 Shots
Vitamin B-12 shots will help reduce your stress, promote healthy skin and help you maintain a healthy weight.
Get More Energy...Naturally
Vitamin B-12 shots are a great way to boost your energy. B-12 shots provide a healthy alternative to caffeine.
B-12 Shot vs. Pill
Hans R. Larsen MSc, Che states, "some physicians still maintain that monthly injections of vitamin B-12 are required to maintain adequate levels in the elderly and in patients with a diagnosed deficiency." Most doctors agree that B-12 shots get in the bloodstream quicker than B-12 in a pill form.
Cost Considerations
B-12 shots are expensive, costing as much as $25 per shot. You should seek guidance from a licensed doctor before administering a B-12 shot.
B-12 and Hollywood
Vitamin B-12 shots are the rave of Hollywood. Celebrities like Madonna swear by the energy-boosting ability of B-12 shots.