How to Determine the Vitamin C Concentration in Citrus Fruit
Things You'll Need
- Citrus fruit
- Juicer
- 1 tbsp. cornstarch
- Water
- Heat source
- 2 beakers
- 2 percent iodine solution
- 15 ml test tubes (1 per fruit tested)
- Several eyedroppers
- White paper
Combine the cornstarch and 1 to 2 tbsp. of water in a beaker to make a paste. Add 250 ml of water to this in the beaker.
Place the beaker on a heat source and bring to a boil. Boil for five full minutes. Remove from heat. This starch solution will be used to thicken the iodine indicator.
Place 75 ml (about 5 tbsp.) of water into another beaker. Add about 10 drops of the cornstarch solution to the clean water. Stir well.
Drop in enough of the iodine until the 75 ml of water is a dark purple or dark blue color. This is your iodine indicator.
Drop about 1 tsp. (5 ml) of your iodine indicator into the bottom of each of the test tubes.
Use a clean eyedropper every time you transfer a sample of 10 drops of citrus juice to a different test tube.
Compare the test tube colors by placing them against a piece of white paper. The darker the purple in the tested sample, the less vitamin C it has.