What Foods Contain Biotin?
Symptoms of Biotin Deficiency
Symptoms of biotin deficiency include hair loss, skin rash, weight loss, muscle pains, tongue inflammation, nausea, high cholesterol, mental depression and localized loss of sensation.
Biotin Daily Requirements
The daily requirements of biotin vary by age and sex as follows:
Infants 0-12 months: 6 micrograms
Children 1-3 years: 8 micrograms
Children 4-8 years: 12 micrograms
Children 9-13 years: 20 micrograms
Children 14-18 years: 25 micrograms
Adults 19+ years: 30 micrograms
Pregnant females: 30 micrograms
Lactating females: 35 micrograms
Foods Containing Biotin
There are a variety of foods rich in biotin. The richest source is nuts (peanuts, filberts, almonds, peanut butter). A half cup of peanuts yields more than double the daily requirement of biotin for adults. Smaller amounts of biotin (anywhere from 3 to 8.5 micrograms per serving) are found in tuna, pork, banana, papaya, carrots, avocado, tomato sauce, nonfat milk, salmon, swiss chard, sweet potato, haddock, lowfat yogurt, cashews, cooked egg and soy protein isolate.
Fun Fact
Biotin is sometimes recommended to combat brittle hair and nails. It is commonly found in hair and nail beauty products.
Regular consumption of raw egg whites can cause biotin deficiency.