Vitamins for Meniere's Disease
Meniere's is mysterious, but it's caused by excess endolymph, the fluid in the inner ear that regulates balance. Many treatments are designed to prevent or reduce this fluid buildup.
Blood Circulation
Some reserachers believe strong circulation can reduce Meniere's symptoms. To that end, try: niacin (vitamin B3), B complex vitamins, Vinpocetine, cayenne or Ginkgo biloba.
More Beneficial Substances
Some studies implicate certain deficiencies in Meniere's. To combat these deficiences, try: manganese, magnesium, lemon bioflavonoids (they may strengthen cell membranes to better contain fluid), Ventigoheel (for dizziness) or coenzyme Q10 (it may improve tinnitus).
Trial and Error
What triggers or exacerbates Meniere's symptoms in one patient may not be problematic for another. Similarly, what relieves symptoms for one person may be no help to another sufferer. You may have to try a series of vitamins or supplements to find one that relieves your symptoms.
Another puzzling characteristic of Meniere's is that its symptoms can vary widely over time, worsening or improving. So even if you've found a vitamin that makes you feel better, keep in mind it may not help permanently. Then again, symptoms may eventually disappear, making the vitamin unnecessary.
If you have Meniere's, talk to your doctor before taking a vitamin or nutritional supplement, because some are toxic in high doses or dangerous when combined with certain medicines. You should also add only one new substance to your diet at a time, to make it easier to identify what relieves symptoms and what has no effect.