Foods With High Amounts of Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an important vitamin and antioxidant that is crucial for healthy skin, vascular system and blood pressure. Plenty of vitamin E is required for the heart to stay healthy, and it is considered a useful option for helping to limit bad heart conditions. Without vitamin E, the body would have greater difficulty defending itself from diseases, so finding out what foods contain it is a good idea--especially in terms of maintaining a healthy diet.-
The Other Name For Vitamin E
There are actually eight forms of vitamin E, but alpha-tocopherol is the one used by the body. Thus, when reviewing food mixtures--or labels of processed foods, such as Oriental noodles with seasoning--understand that vitamin E may be listed under this name.
Foods That Contain Vitamin E
Vitamin E is found in avocados, whole grains, beans, nuts and vegetable oils, such as olive oil. Other sources include brown rice, eggs, liver, milk, oatmeal, organ meats, wheat germ, mayonnaise and sweet potatoes. Less obvious sources include almonds, kiwis, mangoes, chickpeas, olives, sunflower seeds, watercress and carrots.
Benefits Of Vitamin E
Vitamin E has been linked to reducing risks from such common conditions as heart trouble, and Alzheimer's Disease--as well as bolstering defenses like free radicals, which are the byproducts of normal cell function.
To Supplement (Or Not?)
Nearly all clinical trials have shown inconclusive, negative or neutral results from vitamin E supplements. Because there are plenty of foods rich in vitamin E, most medical professionals recommend against taking them.
Be Careful
Avoid overdoses of vitamin E, especially if taking supplements. Vitamin E can be destroyed by extreme heat during the cooking process, as well as freezing.