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Niacin and Drug Tests

Rumors abound on the Internet that taking lots of niacin, also known as vitamin B3, can mask or remove signs of marijuana or cocaine in urine during drug testing. No scientific evidence verifies this, although many people claim success. Many others wind up in the emergency room from excessive niacin intake.
  1. Theories/Speculation

    • The theory for this use of niacin is that because it breaks down nutritional components and promotes metabolism, it should also break down drugs and eliminate them from the body.

    Official Word

    • Byrd Labs, whose originator has determined several ways for drug users to pass urine tests, has also stated that niacin does not work for this purpose.

    Niacin in Urine

    • In addition, niacin can be very detectable in urine, and thus alert lab technicians to the user's attempt to foil the drug test.

    Excessive Doses

    • Although niacin is water soluble, and unused amounts pass out of the body through urine, the extremely large doses people use to circumvent a drug test can cause health problems.

    Side Effects

    • Side effects of excess niacin intake include skin flushing and warmth, itching and rashes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and even abnormal liver function.

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