Foods High in Vitamins C, E and Selenium
Eating calf liver is one of the easiest ways not only to get these nutrients, but also much needed protein. A good source of selenium, calf liver also offers vitamin C, with trace amounts of vitamin E as well.
This is one of the healthiest vegetables all around and can be eaten raw, sauteed or boiled. It contains large amounts of vitamin C and significant amounts of vitamin E and selenium.
Sunflower Seeds
While sunflower seeds are not really a good source of vitamin C, they have high amounts of vitamin E and selenium. In fact, just 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds gives you more than 90 percent of your daily recommended dose of vitamin E.
Mustard Greens and Seeds
Mustard greens are an excellent source of vitamins C and E. Mustard seeds, on the other hand, are one of the best sources of selenium.
This vegetable may not have that much selenium, but a serving is full of vitamin C, easily offering you more than you need in a day. Eating it also puts more vitamin E in your diet.