Vitamin B 12 Deficiency Symptoms
According to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, people who don't get enough vitamin B12 can develop anemia, which means that the level of red blood cells in the body drops too low. Because of anemia, the tissues in the body may have trouble getting adequate oxygen.
Fatigue and Weakness
Not getting enough vitamin B12 can make a person feel abnormally fatigued and weak.
Constipation and Tongue Soreness
Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause tongue soreness and constipation, which may occur due to inflammation in the stomach, according to Oregon State University's Linus Pauling Institute.
Loss of Appetite and Weight Loss
Not having enough vitamin B12 in the diet can suppress a person's appetite; in turn, because he is less likely to eat, weight loss can occur.
Neurological Changes
People with vitamin B12 may experience tingling feelings in the hands and feet, feel clumsy and stumble when walking or become confused and depressed. These neurological changes occur because vitamin B12 is critical for a healthy nervous system, suggests research from the American Academy of Family Physicians.