Foods High in Vitamin D Hydroxy
Cod Liver Oil
Cod liver oil has the highest vitamin D content of all foods. You can take it by spoonful.
Oily Fish
Vitamin D can be found in high quantities in oily fish, such as salmon and tuna. Oily fish actually has a higher vitamin D content than dairy products.
Eggs, when eaten whole, contain high amounts of vitamin D. The yolk contains the majority of the vitamin D in an egg.
Liver contains vitamin D in smaller quantities. Cooked beef liver can be difficult for some people to eat but is beneficial because it also contains other vitamins, such as vitamin B12.
Dairy Products
Dairy products can also contain vitamin D, but must be fortified. If you are relying on your dairy products to provide you with vitamin D, make sure that the dairy products state that they are fortified with vitamin D on the label.