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Vitamin K Content in Food
According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, vitamin K is a fat-soluble nutrient that helps blood to clot and is thought to have a role in cell and bone growth. Vitamin K is common in fresh food, so deficiencies are rare. Deficiencies occur in people who have diseases of the colon or who have been on a long course of antibiotics, which can block vitamin K absorption.A single serving of green leafy vegetables such as spinach contains much more vitamin K than an adult needs in a day. According to NutritionData.com (see Resources below), 1 cup of spinach, what you might find in a small spinach salad, has almost twice the amount of vitamin K a healthy adult needs, based on federal daily value guidelines. The following vegetables and fruit have large amounts of vitamin K.
Greens, such as collard, turnip, mustard, kale and Swiss chard
Cruciferous vegetables
Calciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, broccoli, bok choy and Brussels sprouts
Deeply colored lettuce
Dark green leaf lettuces such as romaine and red leaf
Parsely and its relatives
Members of the Apiaceae family, such as carrots, parsley and celery
Fruits such as avocados, kiwifruit, blackberries, blueberries, red and green grapes and dried plums
Vitamin K helps blood coagulate. If you are taking blood thinners such as Coumadin or warfarin sodium, eating too many foods rich in vitamin K can cause thinners to be less effective. Consult your doctor before making changes in your diet if you are taking blood thinners.