Foods High in Iron for Vegans
Plants contain only non-heme iron, which is not well absorbed by the body and must be consumed in the right amounts and combinations (especially along with Vitamin C) in order to provide vegans with the proper amounts.
Pumpkin seeds contain more iron than any other products in the vegetable kingdom (8.6 mg per portion), while others, such as sunflower seeds, contain enough to be worthy of inclusion in the vegan diet.
Tofu, soybeans and soy products in general are high in iron and low in fat and calories, making them the main choice for nutrients in the vegan diet.
Whole-grain breads and cereal products are commonly fortified with iron nowadays, making them an excellent choice for vegans who don't want to take a supplement.
Expert Insight
The U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance for iron is 10 mg for men and 15 mg for women on a daily basis, all of which can be obtained from a single glass of fortified soy milk or rice milk.