How to Boost Brain Function with Vitamin B
Vitamin B12 is the most important B vitamin and it is found in meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. It is also found in liver. Vitamin B12 is not produced by plants, so people on vegan diets need to make sure that they take a supplement that includes Vitamin B12 for healthy brain functioning.
Vitamin B6 can be found in leafy green vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains. All foods contain trace amounts of Vitamin B6. This B vitamin helps with the body's metabolism, and studies have found that deficiencies in vitamin B6 can cause nervousness or jitters. Getting adequate levels of this B vitamin will help improve concentration and memory.
Vitamin B1 is found in the same sources as B^, plus many other vegetables, and B1 is especially high in the husks of grain. Vitamin B1 promotes brain health by helping the nervous system and is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
Many brain boosting supplements contain high doses of vitamin B, but you can get the same benefit to your brain by increasing your uptake of essential B vitamins.