How to Avoid a Stomach Ache Caused By Your Daily Vitamin
Things You'll Need
- Daily Vitamin Supplement
- Food
TAKE WITH FOOD: First things first, it's important to take your daily vitamin with food. Taking the vitamin in the middle of a meal allows your digestive system to be settled by a base of food that will ease the digestion of the vitamins and avoid an unpleasant buildup of stomach acid. As an added bonus, taking the vitamin with food can greatly increase the absorption rates of nutrients (but talk to your doctor if you are concerned about vitamin deficiency, as some foods can actually block to absorption of certain vitamins, while others enhance vitamin absorption). Some nutrients are fat-soluble, so make sure your meal has at least a modest fat content.
CHECK THE IRON CONTENT: Iron is often the culprit when a vitamin continues to cause stomach upset, even when taken on a full stomach. If you are not anaemic, nursing or pregnant, there's a good chance you do not need an iron supplement. Talk to your doctor about switching to a daily vitamin that doesn't contain iron.
CUT YOUR VITAMIN IN HALF: You might find your system is more accepting of your vitamin if you cut it in half and take each part separately in the middle of a meal. Just make sure you continue to take your vitamins on a full stomach.
TRY A LIQUID VITAMIN: An all natural liquid vitamin is often easier on the stomach. Sometimes stomach imitation is caused by the acidity of the vitamin capsule, so a liquid vitamin is a great way of overcoming this. Sometimes stomach upset is simply caused by attempting to swallow the vitamin pill itself, which can be quite large, making liquid vitamins a nice alternative. I eventually switched my daily vitamin to "Source of Life" a liquid vitamin. It's pricier than One-A-Day, and has a green, mercurial texture, but I've come to love it!