Health Benefits of Probiotics
Our bodies are full of bacteria both inside and out. Although that might at first be a frightening thought, consider that some of the bacteria in your body can actually play a beneficial role. Especially the bacteria growing in our guts.
Beneficial bacteria in our intestines destroy harmful bacteria and help our bodies digest food. Some health practitioners even speculate that beneficial bacteria may play a role in helping our bodies fight off illness. Because our guts are especially porous, it is especially vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Having a good amount of "good bugs" in our system may help create a barrier, thus blocking the "bad bugs".
There are many types of beneficial bacteria. Visit your local health food store or just about any vitamin aisle in a grocery store and you will find many types. When considering what to buy, first look for the name "probiotics." Biotics refer to the bacteria, with pro meaning to promote, and anti (as in antibiotics) meaning to destroy.
The most popular types of probiotics are lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. However, there are many types; some that even have specific function, such as those that alleviate constipation. You can do a little research and find out what you need if you have a special situation. In general though, a product with a variety of beneficial organisms will be helpful.
Besides the general health benefits of improved digestion and immune strengthening, probiotics may play a role in improving diseases such as Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Some research has even suggested that it may help sufferers of food allergies to tolerate foods better. And for those with a short term diarrhea illness, probiotics can help restore normal bowel flora.
If you or a family member is considering taking probiotics, and they have food allergies, it is wise to read labels carefully. Especially for those persons suffering from a milk allergy, since many types of probiotcs are cultured from dairy products. Although, they may offer health benefits to those with food allergies, if the allergy is severe it is important to purchase "dairy free" products.
Time Frame
The use of probiotics is not a quick fix. If you are considering taking beneficial bacteria for a chronic illness, consider that it may take several weeks to see some results. The reason for this is that it takes some time for the bacteria to colonize in the gut.
For general health needs, if you do not wish to purchase and take probiotics, you can get plenty through your diet. One way is to eat yogurt that contains "live and active cultures" daily. Consider that a diet rich in whole foods, low in sugar and processed foods, will promote the natural growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Diets that are based on fast foods, processed foods and high in sugar, may serve to destroy the good bacteria.