How to Get Enough Iron in Your Vegetarian Diet
Get a physical from your doctor. He or she can tell you if you are getting enough iron in your diet.
Choose excellent sources of iron. Here are some foods that are "excellent" sources of iron: • Egg yolks • Molasses • Raisin bran (If you eat fish, try sardines.)
Choose "good" sources of iron. Here are some foods that are good sources of iron:• Raisins • Prunes • Dried apricots • Figs • Kidney beans • Pinto beans • Navy beans • Lentils • Split green peas • Enriched cereals • Enriched macaroni • Spinach • Greens • Broccoli • Lima beans • Avocado
Do things that enhance the iron in your diet. Cooking in a cast iron pan, for example, can add trace amounts of iron to your food. Also, eating the following foods can help your body absorb iron better: Fruits: Orange, Orange Juice, cantaloupe, strawberries, grapefruit.Vegetables: Broccoli, brussels sprouts, tomato, tomato juice, potato, green & red peppers. White wine is also a good source of iron.
Avoid things that interfere with the body's ability to absorb iron. These include: smoking, drinking red wine, coffee & tea, and eating the following foods: chard, beet greens, rhubarb and sweet potato