How to Identify a Chromium Deficiency
Make a note of increased anxiety. As the chromium level in your body decreases, your ability to control anxiety increases. In stressful situations, your heart may race, your breathing may become labored and you may experience lightheadedness.
Observe your energy level. In addition to a lower tolerance to anxiety, you may feel fatigued during the day, even if you are getting enough sleep. Temporary bouts of fatigue, lasting two or three days, are not uncommon in healthy individuals, but fatigue that lasts more than a few days is cause for concern.
Visit your doctor for a glucose tolerance test if you suspect a chromium deficiency. A glucose tolerance test can determine your blood sugar levels and allow your doctor to prescribe medication to protect your body’s insulin-making ability. The risk of adult-onset diabetes increases with a deficiency in chromium.
Suspect a chromium deficiency in a young person if he or she exhibits signs of muscle weakness, fatigue and anxiety in combination with a slow growth rate. Children who consume large amounts of processed sugars and too little chromium may grow slower than their peers. In addition, their injuries may take longer to heal.