How to Select Five Vitamins
Start with a multi-vitamin tablet that you'll take once daily when you want to select five basic vitamins. It's important to take a multi-vitamin, especially when you take other single kinds of vitamins or vitamin combinations. A good multi-vitamin contains all of the vitamins and minerals the body needs in the minimum recommended dosage. When you take one type of vitamin, the body will "search" for the others. So, it's important to take a multi-vitamin tablet to keep your system in balance.
Take vitamin C as one of the five vitamins you select for optimum health. Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants and it is also great for fighting infections. Vitamin C has been shown in studies to not only cure infections, but to also improve dental health. Vitamin C is so effective in treating infections, even dental infections respond to vitamin C. When taken regularly, vitamin C lowers the amount of bacteria in the mouth and limits the formation of plaque on teeth and gums.
Choose vitamin E as another of the five basic vitamins when you select nutritional supplements. Vitamin E is another of the antioxidants important for good circulation and heart health. Studies have shown that taking vitamin E regularly can help prevent heart disease and has many other benefits.
Select vitamin A as another one of the five vitamins you take regularly. Vitamin A teams up with vitamin C and vitamin E to protect your blood vessels and other body tissues. Vitamin A is also an important vitamin for building a healthy immune system.
Know that if you want to select five vitamins to take regularly, vitamin B6 is another good one. This vitamin is helpful in dealing with stress and the effects that stress can cause on the body. Vitamin B6 is also important for building and maintaining a powerful immune system.