How to Diagnose a Vitamin D Deficiency
Though it's not always easy, we need to ensure we maintain a well balanced diet to give our bodies the vitamins needed to maintain good health. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, so it's especially important children receive sufficient amounts. If a child suffers from a vitamin D deficiency it could lead to rickets and increase risks for developing osteoporosis as she gets older. If you suspect your child has a vitamin D deficiency, look for the following signs and talk to your doctor.Instructions
Take note of your child's sleep routines. Poor sleep habits and restlessness can both be signs of a vitamin D deficiency.
Watch for bowed legs, commonly referred to as knock knees, after weight bearing activities begin. Once a child starts standing and walking it's easier to the softening of the bones caused by the deficiency.
Talk to your doctor if you notice your child exhibits delayed sitting, crawling or walking activities.
Have your doctor perform an x-ray of your child's leg bones if you suspect rickets. This bone condition will generally go away after a few months of treatment which includes vitamin D supplement.
Look for signs of profuse sweating. All children sweat periodically, but if it's excessive this could be a sign of a vitamin D deficiency.