Vitamin Supplements for Muscle Health
Glutamine is a vitamin supplement that is vital for muscle health. The recovery period after weight training is just as valuable as the training itself. Glutamine plays a role in the recovery time after weight training. It is one of the amino acids in the body and nourishes muscles and keeps them healthy. If you are injured or have had surgery, glutamine is a vitamin supplement that speeds healing time.
Fish Oil
Fish oil is a valuable supplement for muscle health. Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids. They build and maintain muscle in a healthy physical state. Fish oil helps support blood circulation to allow carbohydrates and protein to reach muscles. Fish oil generally comes in a capsule form.
Creatine, a supplement used by bodybuilders, allows you to pack on muscle quickly and keep it. Creatine increases the stores of the energy compound that is responsible for making muscular contractions. It makes the actual muscle fibers bigger and stronger.
BCAAs, branch chain amino acids, are made up of essential amino acids that contribute to muscle health. These vitamin supplements can lead to improvement in muscle density. BCAAs also help with muscle recovery after heavy weight lifting workouts. BCAA vitamin supplements are ideal for people that workout regularly with heavy weights.