Vitamin B12 Animal Foods
Since B12 is stored in the liver, it's no surprise that beef liver contains a high amount of the vitamin. In fact, one slice of beef liver can provide you with forty-eight micrograms of vitamin B12, which is a whopping eight hundred percent of the daily value. But it's good to have a varied diet and both fish and shellfish, as well as chicken and other poultry provide adequate sources of B12.
Foods that contain twenty percent of the daily value for vitamin B12 are regarded as good sources of the vitamin, while foods that supply less than five percent of the daily value are regarded as minimal sources. A single, large egg can provide up to ten percent of the recommended daily value of B12.
Dairy Produce
Vitamin B12 is found in milk, yogurt and cheese. A cup of plain yogurt can provide up to twenty-five percent of your daily vitamin B12 requirements. One cup of milk supplies fifteen percent of the daily value. People who follow a vegan diet that excludes all animal-based foods can get their B12 vitamins from nutritional yeast and dietary supplements. The bacteria that synthesizes B12 is added to fortified foods, allowing vegans to get their requirements of B12 from non-animal sources.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Sources of vitamin B12 that do not come from animal-based foods are considered poor and unreliable. Since the main sources of B12 are animal products, those who are strict vegans or vegetarians can become deficient if they do not take supplements. Vitamin B12 deficiency can result in muscle weakness, anemia, loss of feeling in the limbs and problems with balance. People whose bodies cannot adequately make use of or absorb the vitamin may also become deficient and suffer similar problems.