Which Northern Tree Contains the Most Vitamin C?
Vitamin C
Moringa leaves have more vitamin C than oranges and lemons. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and fights infectious diseases, including flu and colds. In comparisons per 100 g, oranges have 30 mg, fresh Moringa leaves have 220 mg and the pods of the tree have 120 mg of vitamin C. When leaves are dried and ground, the resulting powder has 17 mg of vitamin C. Twenty grams daily of fresh Moringa leaves will provide a child with all the vitamin C she needs.
The tiny green leaves of the Moringa tree are a powerful source of nutrition. The leaves, pods and flowers of the Moringa tree are all useful and nutritious. Leaves, having the most vitamin C and best eaten raw, are perfect in salads. They have a taste between spinach and lettuce. To cook the leaves, prepare like spinach. Powder is the best way to store the vitamin C-rich leaves for optimum nutritional value. The powder can be used in soups and sauces. To preserve as much vitamin C as possible, use low heat when cooking.
Moringa Tree Facts
Moringa trees can grow on mountain slopes. The Moringa tree is native to northern India. It grows on the southern slopes of the Himalayas. It has been intentionally cultivated in Africa and South America. Moringa may be evergreen or deciduous depending on the climate. The tree has more than 400 different names in different languages around the world. Among the names are miracle tree, never die tree, mother's best tree and horseradish tree. Moringa oleifera is now grown in the United States and is offered by some nurseries. The powder made from dried leaves is sold online.
Nutritional Facts
Besides being a potent source of vitamin C, the Moringa tree contains many other nutrients. The leaves of the tree are 27 percent protein. They are a rich source of all B vitamins. The leaves provide over 16 times more calcium than milk, over 10 times more vitamin A than carrots, 15 times more potassium than bananas and 12 times more iron than spinach.