What Are Fish Oils?
What is Fish Oil
Fish oil is also known as the fatty oil that is obtained from the liver of several types of fish. It is also known as Omega-3 fatty acids and are usually found in mackerel, tuna, salmon, sturgeon, mullet, blue fish, anchovies, sardines, herring, trout and menhaden. They provide roughly one gram of fish oil/omega-3 fatty acids in each 3.5 ounces of fish.
Fish Oil in Manufacturing Products
Fish oil is used in the manufacturing of several products that are used in the consumer market. Some food products include butter, margarine and cooking oil. It can also be found in various toiletries, cosmetics and house products like caulking compounds, paints, industrial coatings, lubricants, water repellents, soaps and candles. Fish oil also is used to aid in the tanning process of leather, the manufacturing process of rubber and the chemical production for making synthetic wax.
Health Benefits of Fish Oil
There are many health benefits from making fish oil a part of your daily diet. Either eating the numerous types of fishes that are the sources of the oil can do this or it can also be consumed as a vitamin E supplement that can be purchased at a local health food store or pharmacy. Health benefits from the intake of fish oil supplements have been known to help lower triglycerides levels, reduce the risk of death, and prevent heart attacks and dangerous abnormal heart rhythms. It can also help prevent strokes for people at risk, helps slow down the build up of plaque in arteries as well as lowering blood pressure.
Fish Oil Vitamin Supplements
Other than eating enormous amounts of fish for health benefits, fish oil vitamin supplements have become a very common alternative. Although fish is considered to be very healthy, it is wise to limit the amount of fish you eat since mercury levels in fish can be dangerous to your health if eaten in abundance. This is why a vitamin supplement is best if you choose to take it on a regular basis.