How to Eat to Catch Your Weight Back up
Create a caloric surplus of 500 or 1,000 calories daily. Understand that 1 pound has 3,500 calories. Consume 500 extra calories per day to gain 1 pound per week or consume 1,000 extra calories per day to gain 2 pounds per week.
Eat foods that are high in nutrients and high in calories. Consume foods such as avocados, cheese, bananas, nuts, dried fruit, and peanut butter.
Avoid filling up on unhealthy sugary, fattening foods to quickly gain weight. According to Today's Dietician, an unhealthy diet can trigger a stroke, heart disease and cancer.
Add butter, cheese, sour cream or dried milk into foods to increase their caloric content. Replace water with whole milk when making oatmeal. Add dried milk to whole milk, soup, mashed potatoes, and milk shakes. Fry eggs in butter and prepare them with cheese. Add butter or mayonnaise to sandwiches. Serve your meals with dips, gravies and sauces.
Eat up to six meals per day to increase your total caloric intake. Eating a meal every two hours is easier than eating three large portions over the day. Snack in between meals as much as you can. Consume snacks such as granola bars, nuts, yogurt and dried fruit.
Consume a snack before bedtime. When you sleep your metabolism slows down and the foods you consumed beforehand are most likely going to be stored as fat.
Eat your meal before drinking liquid. Avoid filling yourself up beforehand. Drink mixed juices or whole milk with dry milk added to it.