10 Ways to Beat the Bloat
Avoid Carbonated Beverages
Since bloating is caused by excess gas in the digestive tract, and carbonated beverages make you swallow air and CO2, cutting carbonated beverages can help slim a bloated waistline. Chewing gum yields the same air-swallowing hazards, so try substituting fresh mint instead.
Fill Up on Fruit
Fruits such as watermelon and oranges are about 90 percent water. Filling up on fruits can help the body avoid dehydration and constipation, which is an uncomfortable cause of bloating.
Veggies: Good For Your Health, Not Your Waistline
Beans and vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower contain sugars that are, for some, difficult to digest. The excess gas caused by consuming such foods can build bloat. Instead of cutting them out entirely, simply limit your intake of them to half of what you currently consume. Once your body becomes used to the digestion of these foods, you can slowly increase the amount you eat.
Dairy Complications
If dairy products give you gas, start off with small portions. Once your body adjusts to the foods, you can slowly increase your wheat and dairy intake. Taking a lactose enzyme can also help your body digest these foods.
Buy Digestive Enzyme
Taking a digestive enzyme such as Beano before meals can help the body break down foods consumed and limit bloating.
Move Your Body
Exercise helps the digestive tract pass food (and excess gas) more quickly. Even a short walk can help limit bloating and make you feel better and more upbeat. In addition, working abdominal muscles can help you to feel less self-conscious about your body if the bulge of bloating does strike.
Limit Sodium Intake
Too much salt in a diet can cause water retention and an increase of cellulite. Limiting salt intake can help shed those "water weight" pounds, making you feel slimmer and less bloated.
Eat Slowly
Bloating can occur from swallowing too much air while eating. Slowing down the speed of eating can help prevent air from entering the digestive tract. Also, chewing with your mouth closed is one of the best ways to limit the amount of air swallowed. Carefully chewing can also help the digestive process, as it allows food to break down more easily.
Plan for PMS
Cut down on salt the week before a menstrual cycle. Also, supplementing your diet with 1,000 mg of calcium a day may help limit bloating that comes with premenstrual syndrome. Check to ensure that the supplements don't contain bicarbonate or carbonate, which can make bloating worse.
Drink Away The Bloat
Water flushes toxins out of the body and can help eliminate bloating caused by constipation.