Some Ways to Put on Pounds of Fat

Being underweight can be as big a struggle as being overweight. Similar to having high body fat, having low body fat is also a risk to your health. If you are underweight and have very little body fat, you are more prone to infections and diseases because your immune system is weak. If you want to increase your body fat, the foods you consume play an essential part.
  1. Consuming Fattening foods

    • Eating unhealthy foods, high in fat, sugar and calories can increase your weight and body fat. Fried foods, processed foods and baked goods are harmless when eaten in moderation, but when consumed in high quantities, they can fatten you up; over time, they can increase your weight. Fast food metabolizes quickly and spikes your insulin level for a short period. It gives you a euphoric-like feeling and a boost of false energy. Not long after consumption, your energy level drops and you start feeling fatigued and tired. Because of the fast digestion, you quickly feel hungry again and crave more or the same fatty foods

    Consuming Larger Quantities

    • Consuming more food than you currently do can increase your body fat and weight. Eat the foods you normally do, but eat larger quantities. To consume more food over the course of the day, increase your portion size during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eat frequent snacks between meals to increase your caloric intake even more. If you cannot eat a large amount of food in one sitting, keep your portion sizes the same, but increase the amount of times you eat; consume five to six meals throughout the day. Avoid drinking liquids before and during meals. You don't want to fill up on liquids. Drink a beverage after your meal.

    Enriching Food

    • You don't have to eat unhealthy foods to gain fat. Adjusting the way you prepare the foods you normally eat can increase their caloric content while you still get the nutrients. Add butter to bread, vegetables and rice. Use butter when making an omelet and add cheese and ham or turkey to the eggs. Use dried milk when making mashed potatoes, or add it to soups instead of water or broth. Add sauces, dips and gravy to meals. Instead of drinking water or low-fat milk, drink mixed juices, whole milk or commercial nutritional-supplement shakes that are high in calories and nutrients.

    Exercise Less

    • Cardiovascular exercise and muscle-strengthening exercise stimulate your metabolism so you burn calories from fat. Reduce the amount of exercise you currently get if you desire to gain fat. If you lead a primarily sedentary lifestyle, your metabolic heart rate maintains the same and the foods you eat don't get burned; they get stored as fat. Combine high-calorie foods with your sedentary lifestyle and your body fat increases more quickly.

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