How to Keep Your Stuff in Good Shape
Get some exercise every day. The more you do something, the easier it becomes a habit for you. Make a point to work out on a regular basis, 5 days a week if possible. Exercise on the elliptical trainer at your area fitness club for 45 minutes a few evenings a week before work. Run 3 miles around the track after work. Strengthen your muscles with weights and conditioning routines including leg lifts and push-ups. The more "automatic" exercising is, the less likely you will break out of your routine.
Squeeze in all of the aerobic activity even when you're not at the gym. Everyday tasks and activities can also count as exercise. Multitask and help to keep your body looking good by dancing, vacuuming, mowing the grass, walking up the stairs instead of using the elevator (when it is an option), raking leaves, sweeping or mopping the floor, taking the dog for a walk and playing around with your children. These are easy ways to trick your body into exercising -- without it even realizing it.
Reduce the stress in your life. Decreasing emotional stress you experience on a daily basis can do wonders to keep your body in good shape. Stress can be detrimental to loss of body fat since it can reduce cortisol (a type of hormone) levels in the body. This decrease can promote the buildup of fat on the body, particularly around the stomach area. If a flabby stomach is not your cup of tea, try to reduce the emotional stress you feel in your life, whether you start engaging meditation, yoga or breathing exercises.
Eat more vegetables. Your mother was right when she told you it would be good for you to eat all of your vegetables at dinner. Apart from a diet of whole grains and lean meats, vegetables are an extremely important aspect of staying in good shape. Vegetables are packed full of nutrients that are beneficial for fat burning. The green stuff also is full of fiber and low in calories -- both of which are factors that can help you keep your physique in shape.
Get support. When you're on the path to either getting or staying in shape, it can make a world of difference if you have a strong support network, either of close friends or family members. If you need to keep up your motivation, consider trying to find a workout partner who can go to the gym with you and help you stay on top of your diet. Another way to receive support is by having a friend babysit your children several times a week when you go to the gym, for example.
Drink a lot of water. Water is beneficial for the metabolism and also for flushing toxins out of the body, which is effective for keeping a toned and healthy body. Avoid consuming sugary energy drinks and sodas that are full of calories and low in nutrients.