How to Prepare for a Wellness Coach Interview

Wellness coaching is an integral part of personal training, medical health programs and good weight loss regimens. Physical wellness is so important that it is even a part of many employee benefits programs, as it improves not only your physical health but your mental health and productivity. Beginning any health and wellness regimen should be done with the guidance of a professional and preparing for your initial interview consultation can help target realistic goals and optimize your results.


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      Assemble your medical records. Ask your primary care physician to make copies of your health chart, as well as notations of any ailments that might affect your physical fitness. If you have a history of chronic pain, disease or surgery, be sure to include any information that should be taken into consideration when preparing a wellness regimen.

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      Consider your health and wellness goals. Prepare a list of goals, including weight loss, strength benchmarks, tobacco or alcohol cessation goals or dietary achievements to discuss with your interviewer. Indicate the dates or time frames you would like to accomplish these by, especially if you are undertaking a program for a specific event or milestone. Give some thought to previous attempts you have made to accomplish these goals and note, if necessary, the challenges you faced. Your interview can help you design a program that will push past these limitations or set more realistic expectations, if necessary.

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      Bring copies of your insurance information, doctor's referral, employer's wellness program identifying information or any other documentation that will affect your payment method and pricing. Print out any new patient or new client forms from the wellness company website or ask that they be sent to you in advance. Fill out these forms and have them ready at the time of your appointment to speed the process along and allow more time for discussion.

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