How to Lose Fat Scientifically

Although television, the Intenet and magazines are filled with ads for the latest weight-loss and fat-burning products and expensive workout programs, the rate of obesity continues to rise. One reason for this is the lack of scientific studies that back up much of these methods, and another reason is many are too expensive or complex to maintain for the long-term. However, some very simple products and lifestyle changes have been scientifically proven to promote weight loss, and several of them are relatively easy to implement into your life.


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      Walk more. Walking is a powerful exercise that requires no fancy gym or equipment and is even a viable means of free transportation. And it burns fat. A study published in the American Heart Journal in May 2002 by Patrick D Savage, MS, found that obese people who were put on a walking program of 60 to 90 minutes daily, not only experienced loss of fat mass and percent of body fat, but had slimmer waist circumferences as well. The walking itself was considered relatively low-intensity compared to other exercises methods. Walk to the supermarket, walk to work, walk around the neighborhood or park; do it just for fun or to burn unwanted fat off your body.

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      Drink green tea daily. Inexpensive and easy to find, adding green tea to your daily routine gives you a host of health benefits, including burning the fat right off your body. In a study published in the journal Obesity Reserach by Ji Lin et al, in 2005, researchers found that a compound in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), not only stopped fat cells from forming but actively induced their death once formed. Drink several cups of green tea a day to consume enough EGCG to get this effect.

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      Eat more fish. Fish and other marine foods contain high levels of healthy fats called omega-3s. Although fats, they are polyunsaturated and are "essential" because your body cannot manufacture them, and they must be gleaned from food sources. They have also been linked to a number of health benefits, including obesity reduction. A study published in the journal Lipids by Jana Ruzickova et al, in 2004, concluded that omega-3 oils reduce the accumulation of body fat by stopping the spread of body fat cells. Fish with high omega-3 levels include, sardines, salmon and mackerel.

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