How to Lower High Metabolism
Having a fast metabolism may sound like a dream come true to some, but to people who are underweight, it can be problematic. Your metabolism is responsible for converting the foods you eat into energy for your body to use. Your lifestyle, age and genetics are just some of the factors that determine the rate at which your metabolism works. If you have a fast metabolism and are underweight, various lifestyle adjustment can be made to lower the rate at which you burn calories.Instructions
Eat large portions of high-calorie foods that slow down your metabolic burning rate. Consume processed foods, fried foods and complex carbohydrates, such as white rice and white bread. These foods digest without burning many calories. Drink milk and juice throughout the day and add dressings and sauces to the foods you eat. Avoid low-fat and non-fat foods.
Limit the amount you exercise. Perform low-impact exercise when you do work out. Avoid high-impact exercise and strength training because these speed up your metabolism. Perform exercise that puts the least amount of strain on your body. Go for a walk or ride a bike at a slow pace.
Sleep more and take frequent naps because, when you sleep, your metabolism slows down.
Avoid caffeine because it stimulates your metabolism. Stop drinking beverages such as coffee, tea and sodas. According to the Prevention website, a daily cup of coffee can increase your metabolic rate by 8 percent.
Stop eating metabolism-stimulating foods. According to WebMD, foods such as hot peppers and green tea increase your metabolism.
Drink water at room temperature. Cold water speeds up your metabolism because your body has to work harder to heat it up.
Be patient; as you age, your metabolism slows down. According to WebMD, your metabolism slows to 5 percent per decade after the age of 40.