How to Know if Your Body Hits a Plateau
Check the amount of time you've been exercising or dieting. According to the Arthritis Foundation, it generally takes the body between three and six months to reach a plateau. This is the average time the body takes to readjust itself. If you are noticing indications of a plateau and the time frame fits, you have probably hit a plateau.
Notice the scale. If you quit losing weight and start maintaining or even gaining weight, you may be experiencing a plateau. A plateau can occur when your body adjusts to fewer calories. Instead of continuing to lose weight, your body compensates by lowering your metabolism. This makes weight loss slow down or stop.
Note your strength training or exercise results. If you were making strides in a running regimen, improving your speed and stamina, but you suddenly cannot increase your speed despite your efforts, you may be at a plateau. If you are lifting weights but you stop getting stronger, you may be at a plateau.