How Can I Effectively Lose Weight?
Choose Your Diet
Count grams of fat in a low-fat diet. A low-fat diet does not necessarily mean a low-calorie diet. A low-fat diet means eating fewer fatty foods. Some fat is essential for good health. A daily intake of 65 grams of fat per day is important for good health. This would equate to about 600 calories of fat in a 2,000 calorie per day diet. The daily calorie and fat intake differs according to body weight. There are three types of fat: saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. Penn Medicine gives this rule of thumb for how much of each type of fat to include in a low-fat diet: divide total fat intake by three and intake this much of each type of fat. If your fat intake is 65 grams per day, then 65 divided by three equals about 22 grams. It would be best to consume less than 22 grams of saturate fat, less than 22 grams of polyunsaturated fat and 25-33 grams of monosaturated fat. (See References 1)
Count grams of carbohydrates and grams of fat in a low-carb diet. According to Donald Hensrud, M.D, writing for the Mayo Clinic, a low-carb diet usually translates to a high-fat diet. (See References 2) Low-carb dieters decrease the intake of high-carbohydrate foods, then increase the intake of protein and fat. On the average, a daily intake of 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates is recommended for this type of diet, but it usually contains a high fat count. To lose weight on this type of diet, it would be wise to count grams of carbs as well as grams of fat.
Count calories instead of grams. Hensrud said that a combination of healthy carbs and low-fat results in a low-calorie diet that emphasizes better tasting food. This type of diet requires a less-drastic lifestyle change for most dieters and might be a diet that is easier to follow and stick with. This diet requires an intake of healthy carbohydrates and healthy fats, and it usually results in a lower-calorie intake.
Decide your weight loss goal. If you want to lose weight quickly, then Harvard Medical School said that the low-carb diet is the way to go. At the six-month mark, dieters on the low-carb diet usually show nine to 13 pounds more pounds lost. However, Harvard added that after a year the weight loss in both the low-fat and low-carb groups are about even. Mayo Clinic recommended the low-calorie approach, with some exercise, which means diet changes that are easier to make and which might lead to long-term healthy eating habits.