Things That Will Make You Feel Skinny
Whether you are getting ready for a first date or a job interview, feeling bloated or having hormone issues, you could be in need of a self-esteem booster. There are some quick and accessible ways to amplify your ego and minimize your waist line. Crash diets and rigorous workouts have been go-to ways to feel skinny in the past, but those can be dangerous and have a high risk of failure.-
Well-Fitting Clothing
Wearing the wrong size clothes can have the effect of making you look bigger than you are. Clothes that are too tight lead to bulges, lumps and a possible muffin-top. Clothes that are too baggy will make you look frumpy and won't make you feel good. Find the right size for you: for women, this includes finding your correct bra size, and for men, this means wearing shirts that don't fit too snugly around the tummy and are the right length for your height. Take your time and purchase the correct size jeans. A feel-good outfit is a quick fix that will help you feel skinnier.
Highlight Your Attributes
Remember the phrase, "If you've got it, flaunt it?" This does not just mean put on a shirt with a plunging neckline if you've got a larger chest. If you have toned calves, don't hide them under baggy pants. If you have nice arms, try a sleeveless shirt. Drawing attention to your positive attributes is a surefire way to not just feel thinner but to look thinner too.
Practice Good Posture
Hunching over can make you look bigger and send a message that you are trying not to be seen. Self-confidence enhances your appearance. Practice standing and sitting up straight. Walk around at home with a book on your head if it will help you straighten up. Remember to keep your shoulders back and don't slouch.
Eat Well
Nobody feels skinny after eating donuts or cookies. If you want to feel skinny, incorporate healthy foods into your diet. Load up on fruits and vegetables, and don't forget to get the appropriate amounts of protein and starch. Also, keep in mind that not all fat is bad fat: reach for an avocado instead of an ice cream sandwich.
Exercise for Ten Minutes
It can be hard to motivate yourself to exercise or find the time in your schedule, but you've probably heard many times that exercise is key to losing weight. Exercise isn't just about weight but about making yourself feel thin. Just knowing that you gave your body ten extra minutes of attention will stick with you the rest of the day. There are a lot of ways to incorporate exercise into your schedule easily. From ten-minute Pilates videos to five-minute abs, you have a plethora of choices. If workout DVDs aren't your thing, try some stretching and jumping jacks in the morning to get your day off to a good start and get your endorphins flowing. This ten-minute boost may help you stay in a skinny state of mind for the rest of the day.