What Are the Causes of Excess Water Weight?
Hormonal Changes
Hormonal changes can cause excess water weight especially in women. In the week prior to your monthly menstrual period your hormones fluctuate and estrogen levels increase. Your kidneys start retaining water and the result of this is bloating, mainly in the belly and breasts. Water pills, diuretics, eating frequent smaller meals and getting regular exercise may help alleviate bloating and water weight. Women going through menopause may also experience excess water weight if they take estrogen replacement hormones.
Medical Conditions
Medical conditions such as heart failure and kidney disease can bring on water retention. Heart failure decreases the blood flow in the body. The kidneys respond by retaining extra liquid to make up for this. People with kidney disease are unable to excrete all the salt from their body by urinating. Salt builds up and retains water. Underlying medical conditions have to be treated to eliminate excess water weight.
Excess Salt
Consuming a high amount of salt on a daily basis makes your body hold onto water resulting in water weight. You feel uncomfortable and look bloated and may be thirsty more frequently. Some foods like chips and salty French fries are clearly high in sodium. Other foods like hot dogs, spaghetti sauces and tomato soups are high in sodium even though less obvious. Reading food labels can help your manage your salt intake. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a daily salt intake of less than 1,500 milligrams.
You may start retaining water when you stand for long periods of time or sit in the same position for extended periods. Your lower body, including your ankles and legs, start feeling heavy and bloated. Hot-weather days may worsen your water retention. Women that are pregnant experience bloating in the lower body frequently. They gain water weight because their increasing belly puts pressure on the vein that circulates blood to the heart resulting in fluid retention in the lower body. Elevating your feet above heart level and taking breaks from sitting or standing for long periods can offer relief.