The Dangers of Sugar
Effects on Immune System
Sugar suppresses the immune system by upsetting the mineral relationships in the body. Sugar causes a loss of elasticity and function of the body's tissues, a reduction in the body's defense against bacterial infections, premature aging and contributes to diabetes and vascular disease. According to Nancy Appleton, author of "Lick the Sugar Habit," there are 146 reasons why sugar is ruining your health. While natural sugars are energy rich substances your body needs for survival, refined white sugar found in baked goods, candies and desserts is detrimental to your health. When eaten in excess, sugar has an adverse effect on your entire body as it travels through your organ systems via blood. Its damaging effects cause suppression of the immune system and general weakness of the body against diseases and infections.
Effects on the Brain and Mental Health
Sugar causes an increase in secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, neuroepinephrine and serotonin. This imbalance in secretion of neurotransmitters may be one reason why people with an excessive sugar intake are more likely to have Parkinson's disease. When people eat too much sugar, the excessive release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin cause a temporary feeling of well-being, which is what most people call a "sugar high." This unnatural high often ebbs and gives way to dizziness, migraines and depression in people who overdose on sugar frequently.
Weight Gain
Sugar causes significant rise in triglycerides and cholesterol while reducing the concentration of high density lipoproteins, which are "good fats". It increases fasting levels of glucose, causing blood concentration to be higher than normal at all times, which is unhealthy because excess sugar can be damaging to the body's tissues. It increases the body's fluid retention in a similar way as salt, making you gain "water weight." Excess sugar is converted to lipids and stored in fat cells.
One of the most terrible things about sugar is the fact that it is addictive. Most people who drink sodas and eat candy bars regularly don't even realize the damage they're doing to their bodies. In reality, sugar is a very real addiction. It doesn't cause the same levels of intoxication as alcohol and drugs but while it harms the body, the person also increases his tolerance for it. Like other addictive substances, the more sugar you eat, the more your cravings for it increase. When people cut off sugar, they go through a period of withdrawal after which their cravings dramatically decrease.