The Best Ways to Eliminate Sugar & Chocolate
Attempting to quit all at once will work for a few days before you succumb to your cravings and binge eat. If you normally have chocolate portions twice a day, cut down to once. The next week, cut down to every other day. Do the same for sugary drinks and desserts. If you're used to eating a very sugary cereal, don't give it up for a completely unsweetened one. Instead, start eating one with moderate levels of sugar.
Cold Turkey
Going cold turkey suits some people more than it suits others. These people are more capable of sticking to crash diets because either they take it as a challenge, or they simply have the will power to say no without procrastinating. Going cold turkey does not suit everyone because the first few days of completely giving up sugar and chocolate all at once can be very challenging. You have to be strong enough to resist your cravings entirely and not binge eat after a few days. This is for people who want to stop craving sugar and chocolate as soon as possible and are willing to suffer for a few days to get there.
Using Substitutes
Another way to cut down on sugar and chocolate is to use substitutes. If you start craving dessert, eat one with a sugar substitute. This way you'll still have the great taste of dessert without taking in real sugar. Substitute sugar will help decrease your cravings, but keep in mind that sugar alternatives are better than sugar but still aren't very healthy for you.
Quality Over Quantity
Dark chocolate has health benefits; it contains antioxidants, which combat aging, reduce the chances of heart disease and reduce cravings for sugar and fats, helping you consume fewer calories, according to the Science Daily website. Just remember to have it in moderation. Instead of eating milk chocolate and chocolate desserts blended with milk, butter and sugar, have dark chocolate instead. Dark chocolate will soothe your chocolate cravings without the added calories.
Read the Labels
When buying groceries, check the labels for sugars and sugar alcohols with names such as glucose, fructose, mannitol and sorbitol. You'd be surprised to know where sugars can pop up. Even meaty and savory foods have added sugar because it helps preserve food. The USDA's daily recommendation is eight to 10 teaspoons a day, but many Americans consume more than 30 teaspoons daily without even realizing it, according to the Reader's Digest website.